Help - Overview

About RAHA
The Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas (RAHA) programme is an important element of the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) in Pakistan. The programme contains many small joint venture projects between the Government of Pakistan, UN agencies, national & international NGOs and communities in areas where Afghan refugees are living or have lived.

To better understand the RAHA programme, a wealth of information is available on the website including policy and strategy documents. In brief, the aims of the project are to:

  1. Provide targeted assistance to support the temporary stay of Afghans in Pakistan.
  2. Promote peaceful co-existence between the 1.6 million refugees remaining in Pakistan and host communities through joint activities until conditions in Afghanistan are conducive for the refugees return.
  3. Address special needs arising in areas with significant voluntary repatriation to Afghanistan (since 2002, 3.9 million refugees have repatriated to Afghanistan).

Since 2009, 4,185 projects have been completed. Each organisation takes responsibility for the implementation of their own specific projects, however ongoing coordination by the RAHA Secretariat between all of these actors helps to ensure a coherent and complementary approach within the RAHA programme.

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